March Readings

I know it is super late to be doing my March readings post…but life intervened.

In March I read 4 books and 3 periodicals. There were some great ones!

WriterMom Tales by Cornelia Becker Seigneur

After reading the long biography in February, I was in the mood for a short and sweet easy to read book. No effort involved. I saw this in my church library, and it was a perfect fit. The book didn’t offer any real deep insights or important messages. It was just light reading which I appreciated in my new state of being a mom of two. The author actually has four kids (including twins) so it was nice just to feel not so alone in my struggles.

The Lemon Tree by Sandy Tolan

This is one of the most excellent books I’ve read in a long time. It is a narrative nonfiction book about the Palestinian-Israeli struggle. It follows two families (one Jewish and one Palestinian) from about 1940 on. The author did hours and hours of interviews with the “characters”. It really helped me develop a better understanding of both sides of the conflict.

Native Son by Richard Wright

This was another great read. Very thought provoking and sad at the same time. Sad because of what is a reality for some people. Native Son is based on Wright’s view of the plight of the black man around 1940 in the U.S. It was interesting to read this so close to No Ordinary Time. They covered some of the same time period.

Cane River by Lalita Tademy

Again, a very good book! It is based on real people from the author’s family. It starts with her great great great grandmother (or something like that) a slave, and follows the family down for four generations. When I think about it, I can’t believe how close ago in history slavery really was. The book had me in tears at one point because a wife and husband are sold to different owners and no longer get to live together. Nathan walked in on my sobbing and was a bit perplexed. Let’s blame it on the post partum hormones.

I also read the April 2013 Sojourners and the February and March National Geographic Magazines.

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